You can get to the Forest of Wolfsbane through the teleport gate in Teleport Square.Entry to the map is completely free. The track is for lvl. 1-20.
It is for these characters that the drops, the power of the mobs, are optimized.
Before starting on the track, perform the lvl. 1 level missions in the Capital.
After completing the first seven missions, you'll be fully armed and ready to take on the mobs.
On the Wolfsbane map, you can complete a further 13 missions. The missions will take you to the Boss character of the map, Dranavar the Wolf Shaman.
For more information about the missions on the wiki Misiuni to find out more.
A lvl. For levels 1-20, the SPIRIT Set is the weaponry that can be picked up. The basic equipment can be upgraded with the Magic Metal, which can be purchased from the Chemist for gold.
After level +3, you need not only Magic Metal, but also various upgrade items, which are thrown by the Mobs belonging to the Wolfsbane track.
Max reaching level 21.